happy birthday, nikola tesla!
with contributions by michael krause, krsto papic, eduard galic, jan-peter e.r. sonntag, u.a.

curated by ana ofak

mon. 10. july 2006 -- 6:00 to 12:00 pm

t e s l a celebrates its namesake, the engineer and visionary nikola tesla. he is the inventor of alternating current [AC], a radio pioneer, he dreamt of the world system of wireless power transfer and tapping, conquered niagara falls and much more. he was a welcome guest in new york evening societies of the upper east side, where he demonstrated his AC flash tricks with lightbulbs. on teslas 150th birthday, berlins labor für mediale künste [laboratory for media arts] revives this tradition of salon society and invites you to a soiree in the podewils'schen palais.

the baroque foyer becomes a social space: the banquet offers particular specialities from croatia, where tesla was born. selected lectures by nikola tesla about his visions of the future may be heard as radio loops. the whole foyer is given its own acoustic by the e-music producer henrik schwarz. the media artist jan-peter sonntag will install singing tesla coils. clips from series and films about nikola tesla give added insight into his life and work. a firework will be set off in honour of the birthday boy, and of course there will be a speech: we are very pleased that the renowned tesla expert velimir abramovic, professor at the art academy of belgrade will give a commemorative speech.

the evening will end with a party.

as a special treat, there is the possibility to visit the high voltage hall of the tu before the start of the party, where one can experience bolts of electicity from a gigantic voltage generator and a large tesla coil.

registration on 030 24749 805.

all about tesla -- film von michael krause [2006] -- extraordinary preview

tesla -- t.v. serie von eduard galic [1977] -- featurette

ionophonia n. t. -- [live-] elektronische raum -klang-komposition mit codierten tesla-blitzen von jan-peter e.r. sonntag mit henry westphal

being tesla -- guerilla -radioinszenierung von teslas vorträgen von oswald berthold mit wolfgang ernst, wolfgang hagen, alija obralic, detlev schneider, jan-peter sonntag

turn-on & turn-off -- elektronisches bewegungssoundspiel von henrik schwarz

blitzableiter -- blitze in der hochspannungshalle der tu berlin recorded und remixed von johannes braun und robert wegemund

festrede -- prof.velimir abramovic festtafel vatromet/feuerwerk

teslas'space -- sonmo replays sun ra, cage, stockkhausen to space age pop featuring harry kügler [space-organ, e-git.], g. marsyas [trombones, live-electronics, turnable], willehand grafenhorst [bass-balalaika, live-electronics], philip saunders [bodhán, perc., cd], ploenne [visuals]

concept: jan-peter e. r. sonntag